15 Hidden Facts About Ram Setu:

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A natural limestone bridge, believed by many to be built by Lord Rama's army.

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It's one of the world's oldest known man-made structures.

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 Ram Setu's alignment matches the direction of the prevailing ocean currents.

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The bridge is composed of a chain of limestone shoals.

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NASA images show a line resembling a causeway between India and Sri Lanka.

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Geological studies support the possibility of its formation.

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Ancient texts like the Ramayana mention the bridge's existence.

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 It's a part of the mythological tale of Lord Rama's journey to rescue Sita.

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 Coral samples have been collected from the bridge's structure.

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The name "Adam's Bridge" is an alternative name for Ram Setu.

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It's considered a significant cultural and religious symbol for Hindus.